Tuesday 16 November 2010

Statement for a statement: http://www.xtraordinarypeople.com/celebrity/ This...

Statement for a statement: http://www.xtraordinarypeople.com/celebrity/

: "http://www.xtraordinarypeople.com/celebrity/ This website is worth a look at, it is a website set up by a mum who is dyslexic and has dysle..."

This website is worth a look at, it is a website set up by a mum who is dyslexic and has dyslexic children. It is also supported by famous dyslexics e.g. Richard Branson, Jamie Oliver, Robbie Williams, Orlando Bloom. It is also backing and supporting some very well deserved projects, one of them being that there is a high correlation between offending and low literacy. An initiative which is backed by the government Xtraordinary people No to failure project. This project will showcase schools who are already doing a good job, Develop new exemplars of good provision, highlight the link between children failing in school and dyslexia/spld, show why dyslexia/spld training is essential for teachers, demonstrate the most effective way of using sen budgets to obtain and maximum progress for dyslexic learners.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Well this is it, I've started a blog! Hopefully this is going to be a very interesting experience for myself, I'm hoping to gain and glean lots of very important, invaluable information. Fingers crossed anyway, so feel free to help me along my pathway to documenting my life.

One reason I am beginning the blogging world, is because I am going through a very frustrating experience, although really I am not the one going through it, I am a spectator to watching someone very close to me. This  person of such a tender age of 11years, said to me the other day 'Just give up, because I will not get anything I want in this life' What would any one say back to that comment to an 11 year old?? I was for a while that same day shocked and dumbfounded that she was feeling that way. I think from that point on I had a voyage of discovery ahead of me. Which is why I am possibly venting my thoughts and feelings into the big world wide web.

So if there are any other parents, carers, grandparents, etc etc of a DYSLEXIC child/teenager/young adult who has come against a brick wall, after brick wall, after brick wall of stubbornness of the school system, please feel free to comment.

This morning I have decided to begin the process of officially statementing my 11 year old personally with the support of my partner of course!! After six years of the school system she has a reading age of 5.4 years... She has been on school action plus since year two, which means she has regular help within school and outside agencies, normally seen by an educational psychologist and hearing specialist, oh and opticians. Here in Devon I have been told for the last three years there is no point in even trying to statement a child who is dyslexic or as they call it in Devon specific learning difficulties, therefore I am going against the system by doing it myself.  (there are some exceptional teachers and teaching assistants out there, please understand I am not wanting to attack or criticise. Some teachers and staff alike have gone far beyond the call of duty and there are some equally frustrated staff out there with the system) I would want to name them here however I feel I have to have there permission first. They may well know who they are and I would want to say a BIG THANK YOU to you.
